Monday, November 19, 2007

Art Show

Hahahaha, sorry guys ... I did not know how to flip this picture around so that it stands upright ... oh well, I wanted to have the picture on my blog (sorry if you get neck crinks!).
So I am a little bit late commenting on the art show and my contribution but here goes:
I thought that the Art Show was a great success! There was a large turnout and the students seemed to be really excited about having their artwork on display! I was tremendously disappointed that I did not have any of my students show up (which I knew that that would happen since they could not come all the way in from McBride for one evening). However, I did try to make up for it whenever I saw someone viewing my students' artwork! I would run over to them and launch into an explanation about how the technique was called Pointillism and what the criteria was for the pictures (so that everyone could see the amount of work, thought, and skill that went into them)! I would then answer any questions they may have had! I also got to live vicariously through my classmates as they entertained their students and their students' families!
My contributions to the art show included: helping set up artwork and chairs; welcoming parents and students and handing out pamphlets; serving cake and water; and finally, returning chairs up to the classroom and the white boards to the student centre after it was all said and done!
Yay for the Art Show! What a valuable experience for us as we venture into the "real classrooms" next year!


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, thank goodness for laptops! I just picked up my computer and turned it -- so no crinked neck here! Thanks again for sharing all your knowledge about this art technique...I have found it quite intriguing.

Alyson Schultz said...

Jodi, you're hilarious!
Good for you Stephanie to go up to people you saw looking at your students' artwork. I was pretty shy about it, but the cake and garbage cans surrounded my art which made it difficult to be around. I'm not sorry for the presence of the cake though!

Amber said...

I like the sideways picture.. it is a great artistic expression hehe.

Brandon said...

I really appreciated seeing the different types of art. I was curious about poinallism (or whatever it is called)It looked facincating to me. I will probably try this in the future

Florence Maitland said...

Hehe, I love the sideways picture. :) *lol* I loved your pointilism idea-it must require children to focus a lot and pay attention closely... wonderful skills for them to learn. :) Good job you!

Kristen said...

It is art! You can hang art any way you want:) For a person who says she is not artistically inclined, you really come up and produce some wonderful 'artistic' ideas. I love what you did with your students! Good work!

Willow Brown said...

I'll have to apologize to alyson for the positioning of the table and gargage cans so close to her artwork. Another thing to add to the planning list for next year. Thanks for your comments.